Availability is a performance criterion for repairable systems that accounts for both the reliability and maintainability aspects of a system. It is defined as the probability that the system is operating properly when it is required for use. That is, availability is the probability that a system is not failed or undergoing a repair action when it needs to be used. The numerical value of availability is expressed as a probability from 0 to 1. Availability calculations take into accounts both the failures and repairs of the system. For example, if a lamp has 99.9% availability, there will be one time out of a thousand that someone needs to use the lamp but it is non-operational because the switch is broken, or it is waiting for the replacement of a light bulb etc.
The definition of availability is
somewhat flexible, depending on what types of down times are considered in the
analysis. As a result, there are a number of different classifications of
Point (Instantaneous)
Average Up-Time Availability (Mean
Steady State Availability
Operational Availability
Point Availability
Point, or instantaneous availability is
the probability that a system (or component) will be operational at any random
time, t. This is very similar to the reliability function in that it gives a
probability that a system will function at the given time, t. Unlike
reliability, the instantaneous will be operational if the following conditions
are met:
1. It functioned properly during time t
with probability R (t), or,
2. It functioned properly since the
last repair at time r, 0< r<1, with probability
Average Up-Time (Mean) Availability
The mean availability is the proportion
of time during a mission or time-period when the system is available for use.
It represents the mean value of the instantaneous availability function over
the period (0, T)
Steady State Availability
The steady state availability of the
system is the limit of the instantaneous availability function as time
approaches infinity. The instantaneous availability function approaches the
steady state value very closely at time approximate to four times the Mean Time
Between Failure (MTBF).
Operational Availability
Operational availability is a measure
of availability, which includes all experienced sources of downtime, such as
administrative downtime, logistic downtime, etc. The equation for operational
availability is:
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